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Honors & Awards


2016, 2017, 2018, 2019: GSC Senate Outstanding Service Award

Auburn University, Auburn, AL.




2019: AACP Substance Use Disorder Special Interest Group Excellent Trainee Poster Award

AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL


2018: Three Minute Thesis Competition Finalist

Auburn University, Auburn, AL.


2018: ISPOR Student Poster Presentation Semi-Finalist

ISPOR 23rd International Meeting, Baltimore, MD.




2017: AACP Walmart Scholar Award

AACP Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.


2017: Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society Induction

Auburn University, Auburn, AL.


2011: UCSD-CSHP’s Mock Clinical Skills Competition First-Place

UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA.


2008: Mortar Board Award

UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.


2008: Robert L. Sinsheimer Award in Molecular Biology

UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.


2008: Honors Program Awards

UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.


2005: UCSB General Chemistry Award

UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.


2013, 2014: Rite Aid Pharmacy Favorite Pharmacy Team Member Award

Rite Aid Pharmacy, Goleta, CA.


2010: Palomar Medical Center Cause for Applause Award

Palomar Medical Center, Escondido, CA.


Lindsey Hohmann

PharmD | PhD

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy Practice




4201H Walker Building

​Auburn University, AL 36849



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