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Refereed Abstracts & Presentations

Selected Refereed Abstracts Presented at Professional Meetings


Substance Abuse Prevention Strategies:

  1. Hohmann LA, Diggs K, Fox BI, Garza KB, Wang CH, Curran GM, Westrick SC. Empowering Community Pharmacists to Prevent Opioid Overdose Deaths: A Qualitative Study Exploring Pharmacists’ Needs, Attitudes, Barriers, and Implementation Strategies Regarding Pharmacy-Based Naloxone Services. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Seattle, WA, March 2019. Poster.

  2. Hohmann L, Fox B, Phillippe HM, Marlowe K, Hill S, Fowler A.  A community-wide education program on drug addiction: stakeholder knowledge, beliefs, and opportunities for interprofessional collaboration.  International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 23rd International Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2018.  Poster.

  3. Hohmann L, Qian J, Garza KB, Hansen R, Hohmann N, Westrick S. Comparative Effectiveness of Opioid Abuse Treatments: A Systematic Review. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 22nd International Meeting; May 2017; Boston, MA. Poster.


Implementation of Innovations in Community-Based Healthcare Organizations:

  1. Hohmann L, Hastings T, Garza KB, Huston S, Ha D, Westrick S.  Impact of a Multicomponent Immunization Intervention on Pneumococcal and Herpes Zoster Vaccinations: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Community Pharmacies in 2 States.  American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nashville, TN, March 2018.  Poster.

  2. Hohmann L, Hastings T, McFarland S, Westrick S. A Theoretical Analysis of Community Pharmacists’ Motivations for Participating in Certified Aging Resource Educated Specialist (C.A.R.E.S.) Training.  APhA2017 abstracts of contributed papers.  . 2017:57(3):e1-142.  American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition; March 2017; San Francisco, CA. Poster.

  3. Hohmann L, McFarland S, White K, Hastings T, Westrick S.  Parental acceptance of influenza and human papillomavirus vaccinations in community pharmacies: a qualitative interview study.  APhA2016 abstracts of contributed papers. . 2016;56(3):e57.  APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition, March 2016. Podium. 


Promotion of Services for Older Adults:

  1. Hohmann L, Hastings T, Westrick S. Improving Pharmacy Student Knowledge and Medicare Beneficiary Cost-Savings: A Community Partnership Over 5 Years. 119th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, MA, July 2018. Poster.

  2. Hohmann L, Hastings T, Qian J, Curran G, Westrick S. Medicare Annual Wellness Visits: A Scoping Review of Current Practice Models and Opportunities for Pharmacists. Southern Pharmacy Administration Conference, Auburn, AL, June 2018. Poster.


Exploration of Social and Behavioral Theories in Health Services Research:

  1. Hohmann L, Garza KB.  The moderating power of impulsivity: a systematic literature review examining the theory of planned behavior. 117th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Anaheim, California, July 23-27, 2016. . 2016;80(5):S2.  Poster.


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL):

  1. Hohmann L, Kavookjian J, Kleppinger E, Hutchison A.  Medication Reconciliation and Transitions of Care: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Fourth-Year Pharmacy Students.  118th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Nashville, TN, July 2017. Poster.

Invited Presentations

Alabama Pharmacist Association (APA) | 2016-2018

C.A.R.E.S. Pharmacy Network exhibitor booth presentation.   


Health Outcomes Research and Policy Departmental Seminars | 2016-2018

Presentation of relevant topics and current research projects.

Wellness Health Fairs for Rite Aid Pharmacy | 2012-2013

Quarterly presentations to patients regarding current health topics.


Medication Prescribing Practices and Intracranial Hemorrhage | 2011

Palomar Medical Center Fourth Annual Trauma and Respiratory Conference.

APhA Annual Meeting, ESAS
AACP Annual Meeting
AACP Annual Meeting
National Immunization Conference
SPAC 2016
APA Annual Meeting
SPAC 2016, Auburn HORP
National Immunization Conference
APhA Annual Meeting
ISPOR Annual Meeting
National Immunization Conference


Lindsey Hohmann

PharmD | PhD

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy Practice




4201H Walker Building

​Auburn University, AL 36849



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