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Teaching Experience

Lectures & Large Group Discussions

2018: Medicare Outreach Open Enrollment Workshops

Auburn University, AL.  Conducted two practice workshops for PharmD co-curricular activities.


2018:  Medicare Outreach Open Enrollment Kickoff Event Information Session

Auburn University, AL.  Conducted an information session for PharmD co-curricular activities.


2018:  Longitudinal III (Formerly PYDI 9210) Teaching Assistant

Auburn University, AL.  Assisted with management of PharmD SHIP Certification Modules content and quizzes.


2017: PYDI 9210 Guest Lecturer

Public Health Care System: Medicare Part D.

Auburn University, AL.  Planned, prepared, and delivered lecture to PharmD students.  Created team-based and active learning activities.  Moderated group activities.  Fall 2017.


2017: HORP 7820 Guest Lecturer

Qualitative Methods: Interviews and Focus Groups.

Auburn University, AL.  Planned, prepared, and delivered lecture to PhD students.  Moderated group discussion.  Fall 2017.


2017: PYDI 9010 Active Learning Activity Moderator

Auburn, AL.  Assisted in patient role-play scenarios for the PharmD New Prescription Counseling Module.


2016: PYDI 9210 Medicare Outreach Open Enrollment Event Volunteer “Boot Camp” Trainer

Auburn University, AL. Planned, prepared, and delivered lecture materials and simulation to PharmD students.


2015-2017: PYDI 9210 Teaching Assistant

Auburn University, AL.  Assisted with management of PharmD SHIP Certification Modules content and quizzes.

Small Group Discussions

2018: Longitudinal III (Formerly PYDI 9210) Group Activity Moderator

Auburn University, AL.  Moderated PharmD small group activity. Fall 2018.


2017: PharmD Student PPE Supervisor

Auburn University, AL.  Facilitated one PharmD student small group discussion. Spring 2017.


2017: PYDI 9210 Group Activity Moderator

Auburn University, AL.  Moderated several PharmD small group activities. Fall 2017.


2016: PharmD Student PPE Supervisor

Auburn University, AL.  Facilitated one PharmD student small group discussion. Fall 2016.


2017-Present: HORP New Graduate Student Mentor

Auburn University, AL.  Served as a peer mentor for incoming PhD graduate students in the HORP department. 


2012: UCSD Pharmacy Student Hospital IPPE Preceptor

University of California San Diego, CA.


2011: APhA Pre-Pharmacy Student Mentor  

University of California San Diego, CA.


2009: Pharmacy Day 2009 Team Mentor 

University of California San Diego, CA.


Lindsey Hohmann

PharmD | PhD

Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmacy Practice




4201H Walker Building

​Auburn University, AL 36849



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